
2girls one cup
2girls one cup

2girls one cup

I Still Can’t Believe Someone Rented The Kath & Kim House To Film A Hardcore Porno Final thoughts But then again it was 2007… and incredibly low-budget. To be honest, I wouldn’t have chosen that transition myself, as it’s a bit tacky. SASKIA: 2 Girls 1 Cup ended on a nice medium shot with a fade to black. The video is barely a porno? I mean, they kiss at the beginning, and they’re both clearly porn stars, but a majority of the vid is just all the shock value stuff. Surely, if you’re willing to lick poo, you would be pretty comfortable getting your kit off, no? Also, one of the actresses (a stretch, I know) pretty much has their clothes on for the whole movie. I’m not saying that I wanted to see more of the porn part, but it would’ve been way better than watching people eat poo and vomit. SASKIA: At this point, I’m starting to think that it’s less of a porno and more of a scat film. i endured hell and couldn’t even get any footage better than this shakey cam… I mean, the soup they make at the end and start mixing? Sometimes the gift of sight was a mistake. MICHAEL: So many parts of this video were just so excessive, that you had to watch but also felt sick being an onlooker. Funnily enough, the following week I was home sick. As you can see, I was literally retching and my eyes were watering like crazy. SASKIA: Towards the end of 2 Girls 1 Cup is when I started to feel severely unwell. you really can’t look away, unfortunately. Vomiting however is just never fake, and seeing them do it over and over just made me want to vom. At least when they were shovelling crap into their faces you could assume that it was fake and trick your brain into not being grossed out. MICHAEL: It was 100% the vomiting for me. The Human Centipede trailer alone gave me nightmares for weeks. All I can say is that I’m just glad I didn’t watch this when I was ten, because I would’ve been severely traumatised. SASKIA: I could handle the shit, but when they started vomiting into each other’s mouths I realised why people warned me not to watch. Nick Jonas Has Finally Reacted To His Bro Frankie’s Chaotic TikToks & It’s A Beautiful Mess Also, it was SO much? I mean, I’ve seen the NSFW music video for Brendan Maclean‘s ‘House of Air’ but this takes things to a whole other level. MICHAEL: You can’t really see my reactions because I’m on Shaky Cam 3000, but I was there, gagging (literally) at the fact that these established porn stars were consuming shit before our very eyes. The fecal matter was also quite runny, so I’m assuming there were some laxatives involved in the process. I really didn’t expect her to fill the whole cup. SASKIA: But then shit happened…literally. My biggest question however is why they were filming in a kitchen? Was it to foreshadow the idea that they were about to (metaphorically) cook up a storm? Much to think about. The opening shots? Really gave you a feel for the actors and how passionate they were about the project. There’s nothing worse than watching porn that uses a still long shot.

2girls one cup

I really appreciated the dynamic camera movements.


The opening credits looked like they were made on something a little more advanced than Windows Movie Maker. SASKIA: It was off to a good start in the beginning.

2girls one cup

Luckily for you, you get to watch our SFW reaction right here:Īnd here’s some commentary from two of our Gen Z / Cusper staff members, Saskia and Michael. Good Morning! Bernie Sanders Porn Now Exists, Which Is A Niche Kink But Hey I Don’t Judge That’s when we regretfully decided to watch it together, and that’s an hour we’ll never get back. So why did we decide to watch people eat shit? Well, after a casual and very normal zoom meeting amongst the PEDESTRIAN.TV staff, the team realised that Gen Z staffers: Saskia, Lav and Michael (that’s me) hadn’t seen 2 Girls 1 Cup, because we were little bebes at the time. (Not so) fun fact: someone did a deep dive into the video and discovered that the shit was indeed, real. In case you missed the hype all those years ago, 2 Girls 1 Cup is about two horny lasses who like each other so much they decide to eat each other’s shit out of a cup. It was a Brazilian scat fetish porno that took the internet by storm, but while everyone and their grandmother was sharing the video with each other in disbelief, the Gen Z PEDESTRIAN.TV staff members were still watching Saturday Disney and feeding their Tamagotchis, blissfully unaware. Back in 2007, a man called Marco Fiorito released his directorial masterpiece, Hungry Bitches, which the internet would soon know as 2 Girls 1 Cup.

2girls one cup